"The Prince of Darkness" and "Buried Alive" is Sutcliffe's. "Monsieur" and "Livia" is Blanford's, while the second e.g. Each of the five books has two titles, the first of which e.g. In the quotation above, they are discussing the series of novels which they (and Lawrence Durrell himself) intend to write. Get busy, Robin!"Having 'killed off' Sutcliffe at the end of the previous book, Blanford spends much of the second book in the series discussing his life and relationships with the imaginary Sutcliffe. Though only dependent on one another as echoes might be, they would not be laid end to end in serial order, like dominoes - but simply belong to the same blood group, five panels from which your creaky old Monsieur would provide simply a cluster of themes to be reworked in the others. Five Q novels written in a highly elliptical quincunxial style invented for the occasion. "Well, squinting round the curves of futurity I saw something like a quincunx of novels set out in a good classical order.